Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Why Most Cities and Counties Require Lift Station Monthly Maintenance Contracts

In case you don’t know, a lift station moves wastewater from lower elevations to higher elevations. They are appropriately named because they “lift” wastewater to higher areas when gravity can’t move the water to where it needs to flow. You might see these used for neighborhoods located at the bottom of a hill when the sewer system is at the top of a hill, for example. In order to get wastewater to the sewer system to be cleaned, the lift station collects the water and then pumps it up the hill.

So what happens when the lift station malfunctions? Flooding, backups, and environmental hazards are all potential outcomes when lift stations aren’t working properly. This is why cities and counties make monthly maintenance mandatory.

We Know Lift Stations
Fortunately, Kaiser-Battistone has the equipment and experienced staff to maintain and repair lift stations. Our hy vac services are great for cleaning up big jobs and accessing deep depths. Much like a septic tank, a lift station has a receiving well where solid waste collects and must be pumped out. Other crucial parts like the pumps, motors, valves and electrical components could also malfunction, and we have a crew specially trained to repair these. Sometimes the pumps are in tight spaces, making them challenging and dangerous to access. For these scenarios, we pull in our team members who are certified in confined space safety.

Count on Us for More Than Just Septic
We are the authority in septic repair and maintenance, but our expertise does not stop there. We service all types of wastewater facilities from small grease traps to entire sanitary systems. Lift stations require unique tools and specialized training so make sure to use a provider who is qualified to inspect and service them. To learn more about lift station maintenance or to request service, Contact Us.

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Thursday, August 17, 2017

How to Preserve Your Leach Field

When the general public talks about septic issues, they are usually thinking of the septic tank. Most people don’t realize the tank is just one part of the entire septic system. Once wastewater leaves the tank, it goes to the distribution box which sends it out to the drain field or leach field. The leach field is wastewater’s final stop in the purification process before nature takes over. From here, the wastewater percolates into the soil where gravity will pull it down to meet groundwater. Several things can go wrong on this path from your toilet to the leach field, so here are 3 things you should do to preserve your leach field.

Do Not Use a Garbage Disposal
This one applies to both the tank and leach field. While the garbage disposal may seem like a convenient means of getting rid of food scraps, it can damage your septic system. A garbage disposal merely chops food into smaller pieces. Unfortunately, these food particles do not break down adequately enough and initiate clogs. Our advice is to feed food scraps to a pet or just toss in the trash.

Install a Septic Filter
A septic filter attaches to your tank’s outlet and will catch particles that the tank was unable to separate from the effluent. It is very important that solid elements do not enter the leach field because clogs in this part of your septic system are difficult and costly to repair. Avoid all that with this easy solution. Kaiser-Battistone carries a variety of filters, and our technicians would be happy to fit one to your septic system.

Don’t Plant Anything Over the Leach Field
A common problem we see with sewage piping is that it attracts plant roots. Your wastewater is rich in nutrients that trees and bushes seek, so they naturally break through pipes to reach it. For this reason, we advise you not to plant anything over your leach field except grass. Even some types of weeds have strong roots, so weeding and mowing over the drain field must be maintained as well.

Damage to your leach field is difficult to repair and can be very costly, so make every effort to keep it in great working condition. For more tips on caring for your leach field, Contact Kaiser-Battistone or Request Service now.

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Tuesday, August 15, 2017

How to Stop Your Hot Water from Running Out Too Fast

You just started shampooing your hair, and the water is already getting cold! No one else has showered before you, the dishwasher isn’t running, and you haven’t done laundry today, so why is there no hot water? If no other appliances have been running and no one else has used up all the hot water, the problem is likely the water heater.

Water Heater Woes

Before we look at malfunctions, let’s consider the size or quality of your water heater. Your family may have grown or you may have purchased a home from a smaller family, and the heater can no longer accommodate the hot water needs of the household. Also, a lower quality water heater with a low FHR (first hour rating) cannot supply a lot of hot water within a short time. However, if neither of these is the problem, it may be time to call a professional.

He may find build up in the tank. If you have hard water, there are minerals in it that collect in the tank and take up a lot of space over time. This sediment can also damage the tank, so it needs to be flushed out. Another problem could be a broken dip tube. This long component goes to the bottom of the water heater and releases the cold water to be heated by the heating element at the bottom. If it’s broken, the cold water doesn’t always reach the heating element before mixing in with the hot water.

Leave it to the Experts

Making repairs on a water heater is a dangerous job, so please leave it to the technicians at Kaiser-Battistone. Our certified professionals have been specially trained to handle all types of water heaters and know what to do when trouble strikes. We also recommend having your water heater inspected on an annual basis to ensure uninterrupted hot water production for your business. Take advantage of our expertise, and Contact Us to inspect or service your water heater.

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Thursday, August 3, 2017

What is Drain Master?

When it comes to septic and wastewater maintenance, Kaiser-Battistone is an experienced provider in the industry, and we strive to carry the best products. This includes Drain Master, the professional solution to your grease problems. It contains powerful enzymes that break down grease to keep your drain lines free and clear of clogs.

In addition to servicing your grease trap, the technicians at Kaiser-Battistone can keep your wastewater system flowing with regular use of this remarkable product. Contact Us to have one of our guys apply Drain Master to your system and prevent grease from obstructing healthy water flow throughout your pipes. You can also request any of our other drain cleaning or grease services. We look forward to serving you from any of our New England locations.

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Tuesday, August 1, 2017

How Often Does Your Septic Need to be Serviced?

septic need to be serviced

Wouldn’t it be nice if your septic tank had gadgets on it like your car that warned you of upcoming maintenance issues? Cars are equipped so they can tell you it’s time to change your oil, buy more fuel, put air in your tires, and some can even tell you you’re about to hit something. Unfortunately, it’s not so easy to know when your septic tank is full of sludge or if a pipe in the leach field is about to bust. There are no lights or sounds to alert you, but we have invented a little something that will be valuable in warning you of the need for an upcoming pumping service.

Septic Service Frequency Calculator
This handy little tool is simple to use and only takes a minute! Visit our Septic Service Frequency Calculator page and answer a few quick questions using easy drop-down menus. When you’re done, click “Calculate,” and you’ll see when your next recommended service should be. There is even a button for you to schedule your next service so you don’t need to remember to check back. We’ll do that for you going forward, so you’ll have one less thing to worry about.

Put Your Septic Maintenance On Cruise Control
Unfortunately, most people don’t know or don’t see the signs of a problem until it’s too late. That is why we recommend a scheduled maintenance routine based on your system and water consumption. Wind River can act as your check engine light by contacting you when it’s time for your septic pumping. With our professionals checking on things regularly, you’re also less likely to encounter any wastewater problems in between pumpings. Let us keep your septic facilities working properly and help you avoid wastewater emergencies. Contact Us and check out our calculator to find out when we can plan to see you next.

The post How Often Does Your Septic Need to be Serviced? appeared first on Kaiser-Battistone.
